Noel and Carlos patiently waiting for the appearance of the Ocellated Crake


Has been a birder and birding guide since 2004 and has participated in many CBC and government sponsored bird counts. 


He is fussing over the distribution and elevation maps. 


Carlos has an uncanny knack for identifying birds by their calls. He has an ability for being in the right place for recording videos of special birds. 


You can see Carlos Youtube bird videos here


Is writing the species descriptions, editing the paintings and maps. 


His knowledge is encyclopedic and is the cornerstone for everything we do here.


A fifteenth generation Costa Rican, he founded and operates a successful birding and eco touring company out of San Isidro De El General, Costa Rica.


After earning a degree in Ecotourism and Environmental Management, he has been guiding throughout the country for 20+ years. 


He funded and operated the Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Fila Costera region from 2003 to 2009. He continues to support other CBCs and government sponsored bird counts throughout the year as a counter when not guiding professionally.


Noel can be found in the field researching, photographing and recording calls. 


Is doing the bird, botany and anatomy paintings for the project along with the app and web design duties. 


While nudging along a life-long love for birds in the wild he can sometimes be found sailing the coast of Central and North America, while birding for pelagics of course.


Bryan’s growing set of Birds of Central American paintings can be found at his 

Nature and bird art galleries.


Is Canadian and really is the glue that keeps this project going. She is project managing, software developing and herding cats all at the same time. 


She is also sailing the Central and North America coasts where she photographs nature and humans as she finds them. 


Her work can be found on


© Noel Ureña Chacón/Bryan Pollock 2019


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